

Hold down shift and draw a box to zoom in over an area, or use the bounding box tool (below the zoom controls) to select records.

Please note - marker locations do not correspond to precise location of actual drought events. Larger markers represent records mentioning multiple areas.

> Click on the points to display stories from Farmers Weekly and Farmers Guardian.


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*Drivers, Pressures, States, Responses and Impacts - more information on DPSIR is available here.

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This is a prototype interactive dashboard based on the following data:

Rey, D. and Holman, I. P. and Knox, J. W. (2018). Historic droughts inventory of references from agricultural media 1975-2012. [Data Collection]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Archive. 10.5255/UKDA-SN-853167

Historic Droughts was a four year (2014-2018), £1.5m project funded by the UK Research Councils, aiming to develop a cross-disciplinary understanding of past drought episodes that have affected the United Kingdom (UK), with a view to developing improved tools for managing droughts in future. Drought and water scarcity (DWS) events are significant threats to livelihoods and wellbeing in many countries, including the United Kingdom (UK). Parts of the UK are already water-stressed and are facing a wide range of pressures, including an expanding population and intensifying exploitation of increasingly limited water resources. In addition, many regions may become significantly drier in future due to environmental changes, all of which implies major challenges to water resource management. However, DWS events are not simply natural hazards. There are also a range of socio-economic and regulatory factors that may influence the course of droughts, such as water consumption practices and abstraction licensing regimes. Consequently, if DWS events are to be better managed, there is a need for a more detailed understanding of the links between hydrometeorological and social systems during droughts. With this research gap in mind, the Historic Droughts project aimed to develop an interdisciplinary understanding of drought from a range of different perspectives. Based on an analysis of information from a wide range of sectors (hydrometeorological, environmental, agricultural, regulatory, social and cultural), the project characterised and quantified the history of drought and water scarcity events since the late 19th century. The Historic Droughts project involved eight institutions across the UK: the British Geological Survey the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Cranfield University, the University of Exeter, HR Wallingford, Lancaster University, the Met Office, and the University of Oxford.

Record locations displayed on the map are not precisely related to the locations of the actual drought events. Currently they are randomly scattered within the boundaries of the geographic areas specified for each record.

The dashboard was made by Chris Newton at the University of the West of England using the R packages flexdashboard, leaflet, crosstalk, DT, RColorBrewer, leafem, leaflet.extras, rgdal, plotly, dplyr, forcats and tidyr.
